Kreatativt Gestaltande & Konstnärliga Terapier


Nedan är en förteckning av litteratur med fokus på vetenskapliga artiklar. Sist återfinns en lista på nationella avhandlingar.  

APA Harvard systemet tillämpas med undantag för att förnamnen skrivs ut. Formatet för artiklar är: Författares efternamn, förnamn. (utgivningsår). Artikelns titel. Tidskriftens titel, volym(nummer), sidor. 

Aalbers, Sonja., Fusar-Poli, Laura., Freeman, Ruth E., Spreen, Marinus., Ket, Johannes C., Vink, Anna., Crawford, Mike., Chen, Xi-Jing, & Gold, Christian. (2017). Music therapy for depression. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,11(11). 

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, (2017). Creative health: The arts for health and wellbeing. Inquiry Report

Ball, Barbara. (2002). Moments of change in the art therapy process. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 29(2), 79-92. 

Baxter, Holly., Berghofer, Julie., MacEwan, Lesa., Nelson, Judy., Peters, Kasi., & Roberts, Penny. (2007). The individualized music therapy assessment profile: IMTAP. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.

Beebe, Anya & W Gelfand, Erwin & Bender, Bruce. (2010). A Randomized Trial To Test The Effectiveness Of Art Therapy For Children With Asthma. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.  

Bernardet, Ulysses., Fdili Alaoui, Sarah., Studd, Karen., Bradley, Karen., Pasquier, Phillipe., & Schiphorst, Thecia. (2019). Assessing the reliability of the Laban Movement Analysis system. PloS one14(6). 

Betts, Donna. J. (2006). Art therapy assessments and rating instruments: Do they measure up? The Arts in Psychotherapy, 33(5), 422-434. 

Blomdahl, Christina, Wijk, Helle, Guregård, Suzanne, Rusner, Marie. (2018). Meeting oneself in inner dialogue: a manual-based Phenomenological Art Therapy as experienced by patients diagnosed with moderate to severe depression, The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 59, Pages 17-24. 

Bojner Horwitz, E, Theorell, Töres, Anderberg, UM. (2003). Dance/movement therapy and changes in stressrelated hormones: a study of fibromyalgia patients with video-interpretation The Arts in Psychotherapy, 30:255–264. 

Bourne, Jane., Andersen-Warren, Madeline., & Hackett, Simon. (2018). A systematic review to investigate dramatherapy group work with working age adults who have a mental health problem. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 61, 1-9. 

Brooke Stephanie L. (1995). Art therapy: An approach to working with sexual abuse survivors. The Arts in Psychotherapy 22(5):447-66. 

Broome Marion E, Maikler V, Kelber Sheryl, Bailey P, Lea G. An intervention to increase coping and reduce health care utilization for school-age children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. J Natl Black Nurses Assoc 2001;12(2):6-14.

Bruscia, Kenneth. (1988). Standards for clinical assessment in the arts therapies. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 15(1), 5-10. 

Bräuninger, Iris. (2012). Dance movement therapy group intervention in stress treatment: A randomized controlled trial (RCT). The Arts in Psychotherapy, 39(5), 443-450. 

Buck, John (1949). The H-T-P technique. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 5, pp.37-74. 

Burns, Robert. C. & Kaufman, Harvard S. (1970 / 1987). Kinetic Family Drawings (K-F-D): An Introduction to Understanding Children Through Kinetic Drawings. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Chapman, Linda., Morabito, Diane., Ladakakos, Chris., Schreier, Herbert. & Knudson, Margret M. (2001). The effectiveness of art therapy interventions in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in pediatric trauma patients. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 18(2), 100-104. 

Cohen, Barry M., Hammer, Jeffrey., & Singer, Shira. (1988). The Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS): A systematic approach to art therapy evaluation and research. Arts in Psychotherapy15(1), 11–21. 

Crawford, Mike J., Killaspy, Helen., Barnes, Thomas R.E., Barrett, Barbara., Byford, Sarah., Clayton, Katie. & Waller, Diane. (2012). Group art therapy as an adjunctive treatment fo people with schizophrenia: Multicentre pragmatic randomised trial. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 344, 1–9.

Czamanski-Cohen, Johanna., & Weihs, Karen. (2016). The bodymind model: A platform for studying the mechanisms of change induced by art therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy51, pp.63–71.

Davis, Martha., Lausberg, Hedda., Cruz, Robyn Flaum., Roskin Berger, Miriam., Dulicai, Diane. (2007). The Movement Psychodiagnostic Inventory. In S. C. Koch & S. Bender (Eds.), Movement Analysis: The legacy of Laban, Bartenieff, Lamb & Kestenberg. (pp. 119-129). Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag. 

Deacon Sharon A., & Piercy Fred P. (2001). Qualitative Methods in Family Evaluation: Creative Assessment Techniques, The American Journal of Family Therapy, 29:5, 355-373.

Dulicai, Diane. (1977). Nonverbal assessment of family systems: A preliminary study. Art Psychotherapy, 4(2), 55-62. 

Dunphy, Kim., Mullane, Sue., & Jacobsson, Marita. (2013). The effectiveness of expressive arts therapies: A review of the literature. Melbourne: PACFA.  

Egberg Thyme, Karin., Sundin, Eva Charlotta., Ståhlberg, Gustaf., Lindström, Birgit., Eklöf, Hanna., & Wiberg, Britt Marie. (2007). The outcome of short-term psychodynamic art therapy compared to short-term psychodynamic verbal therapy for depressed women. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 21(3), 250-264. 

Egberg Thyme, Karin. (2008). What do you see? Studies on time-limited psychodynamic art psychotherapy. Diss. Umeå Universitet, Institutionen för Klinisk vetenskap.

Englund, Birgitta. (2004). Att skapa mening och identitet. I B. Englund (Ed.) Skapande och kroppsbaserade komplementära terapier. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 

Erkkilä, Jakko., Punkanen, Marko., Fachner., Jörj, Ala-Ruona, Esa., Pöntiö, Inga., Tervaniemi, Mari., Mauno., Vanhala., Gold, Christian. (2011). Individual music therapy for depression: randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(2):132–9. 

Flaum Cruz, Robyn & Feder, Bernard. (2013). Feders ´The Art and Science of Evaluation in the Arts Therapies. 2 ndedition. Springfield: Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd.

Gantt, Linda. & Tabone, Carmello. (1998). The formal elements art therapy scale: The rating manual. Morgantown, WV: Gargoyle Press. 

Geller, Jesse D (2018). Introduction: The transformative powers of aesthetic experiences in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 74(2):200-207. 

Gerge, Anna. (2016). Answering from the centre: Arts-based research for knowing more. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Gerge, Anna., Wärja, Margareta., & Pedersen, Inge Nygaard. (2017). Using Aesthetic response, a poetic inquiry to expand knowing. Part II: Some theoretical perspectives on arts-based research. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 17(1).

Gilroy, Andrea. (2006) Art Therapy, Research and Evidence-based Practice. London: SAGE Publications

Gilroy, Andrea. (2012). What’s best for whom? Exploring the evidence base for assessment in art therapy. In A. Gilroy, R. Tipple, & C. Brown (Eds.), Assessment in art therapy (pp. 11-27). New York, NY: Routledge 

Goodenough, Florence. (1926). Measurement of intelligence by drawings. New York: World Book Co.

Grape Viding, Christina, Osika Walter, Theorell, Töres, Kowalski, Jan., Hallqvist, Johan, Bojner Horwitz, Eva. (2015) ”The Culture Palette” – a randomized intervention study for women with burnout symptoms in Sweden. British Journal of Med ical Practitioners, 8(2):a813

Graves-Alcorn, Sandra., & Kagin, Christa. (2017). Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum - a guide for clinical practice. New York: Routledge.  

Greaves, Adele.E., Camic, Paul.M, Maltby, Michael., Richardson, Kate & Mylläri, Lena. (2012). A multiple single case design study of group therapeutic puppetry with people with severe mental illness. The Arts in Psychotherapy, Sep 2012, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p.251-261.

Gussak, David. (2009). The effects of art therapy on male and female inmates: Advancing the research base. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 36(1),5–12.

Haeyen, Suzanne., Hinz, Lisa. (2020). The first 15 minutes in art therapy: Painting a picture from the past. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 71, 101718, 1-6. 

Haeyen, Suzanne., Van Hooren, Susan., Van Der Veld, William Martin, & Hutschemaekers, Giel. (2018). Promoting mental health versus reducing mental illness in art therapy with patients with personality disorders: A quantitative study. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 58, 11-16.

Haeyen, Suzanne., Susan van Hooren, Susan., Hutschemaekers, Giel. (2018) Development of an art-therapy intervention for patients with personality disorders: an intervention mapping study, International Journal of Art Therapy, 23:3, 125-135. 

Hagelthorn, Christina. (2016). Psychotherapy with Traumatised Refugees: Healing Trauma. The Psychotherapist 64()10-11.

Hane-Weijman, Pia (2013). Bildterapi inom palliativ vård - bildterapins betydelse för patienter och deras anhöriga på ett hospice. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 1, 117-125. 

Hertrampf, Ruth., & Wärja, Margareta. (2017). The effect of creative arts therapy and arts medicine on psychological outcomes in women with breast or gynecological cancer: A systematic review of arts-based interventions. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 56, 93-110. 

Hinz, Lisa. (2020). Expressive Therapies Continuum - A Framework for Using Art in Therapy. 2 nd edition. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. 

Hinz, Lisa. (2008). Walking the Line between Passion and caution in Art Therapy: Using the Expressive Therapies Continuum to Avoid Therapist Errors. Art Therapy, 25:1, 38-40. 

Holmqvist, Gärd., Roxberg, Åsa., Larsson, Ingrid., & Lundqvist-Persson, Cristina. (2019) Expressions of vitality affects and basic affects during art therapy and their meaning for inner change, International Journal of Art Therapy, 24:1, 30-39. 

Holmqvist, Gärd., Jormfeldt, Henrika., Larsson, Ingrid. & Lundqvist-Persson, Cristina. (2017). Women’s experiences of change through art therapy. Arts and Health, 9(3), 199-212. 

Holmqvist, Gärd., Roxberg, Åsa., Larsson, Ingrid. & Lundqvist-Persson, Cristina. (2017). What art therapists consider to be patients´ inner change and how it may appear during art therapy. The Arts in psychotherapy, 56, 45-52.

Horovitz-Darby, Ellen G. (1987). Diagnosis and Assessment: Impact on Art Therapy. Art Therapy – Journal of the American Art Therapy Associationvol 4: issue 3, pp.127-137. 

Irwin, Eleanor C., & Elaine S. Malloy. (1975). Family Puppet Interview. Family Process 14.2 (1975): 179-91.  

Isaksson, Cristine & Norlén, Ann-Katrin & Englund, Birgitta & Lindqvist, Rafael. (2009). Changes in self-image as seen in tree paintings. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 36. 304-312. 

Kagin, Sandra., Lusebrink, Vija Bergs. (1978). The expressive therapies continuum. Art Psychotherapy, 5, 171-180. 

Kapitan, Lynn. (2017). Introduction to art therapy research. Routledge.

Kaplan, Deborah E. (1995). Creating a frame: Object relations theory and the expressive therapies continuum. Pratt Institute Creative Arts Therapy Review, 16, 17-22

Karkou, Vicky., Aithal, Supritha., Zubala, Ania., & Meekums, Bonnie. (2019). Effectiveness of Dance Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Adults With Depression: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analyses. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 936. 

Knill, Paolo J., Levine, Ellen G., Levine, Stephen K (2005). Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. Toward a Therapeutic Aesthetics. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Knill, Paolo. (1994). Multiplicity as a tradition: Theories for interdisciplinary arts therapies – an overview. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 21(5),  319-328. 

Kwiatkowska, Hanna Y. (1967). Family Art Therapy. Family Process, 6(1), 37-55.

Kwiatkowska, Hanna Y. (2001). Family art therapy: Experiments with a new technique. American Journal of Art Therapy, 40(1), 27.

 Kwiatkowska, Hanna Y. (1978). Family therapy and evaluation through art. Springfield, IL: Thomas.

Laban, Rudolf, & Lawrence, Fredrick Charles. (1947). Effort. London: MacDonald and Evans.

Lahad, Mooli. (1992). Story-making in assessment method for coping with stress. In S. Jennings (Ed.), Dramatherapy: Theory and practice 2 (pp. 150–163). London: Routledge. 

Landgarten, Helen B. (1987). Family art psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 

Landy, Robert., Bree, Luck., Conner, Erin., & Mcmullian. Sara. (2003) Role Profiles: A Drama Therapy Assessment Instrument." The Arts in Psychotherapy 30.3 (2003): 151-61. 

Levine, Ellen G., & Levine, Stephen K. (2011). Art in action: Expressive Arts Therapy and Social change. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley. 

Loman, Susan., & Merman, Hillary. (1996). The KMP: A tool for dance/movement therapy. American Journal of Dance Therapy18(1), pp.29–52. 

Lusebrink, Vija Bergs. (1991). A systems oriented approach to the expressive therapies: The expressive therapies continuum. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 18(5), 395-403. 

Lusebrink, Vija Bergs. (2004). Art Therapy and the Brain: An Attempt to Understand the Underlying Processes of Art Expression in Therapy. Art Therapy Journal of the American Art Therapy Assoc, 21(3), 125-135. 

Lusebrink, Vija Bergs. (2010). Assessment and Therapeutic Application of the Expressive Therapies Continuum: Implications for Brain Structures and Functions. Art Therapy,27(4), 168-177. 

Lusebrink, Vija. (2014). Art therapy and the neural basis of imagery: Another possible view. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 31(2), 87–90. 

Lusebrink, Vija., & Hinz, Lisa. (2016). The expressive therapies continuum as a framework in the treatment of trauma. In J. King (Ed.), Art therapy, trauma and neuroscience: Theoretical and practical perspectives (pp. 42–66). London: Routledge.

Lusebrink, Vija Bergs., Mārtinsone, Kristine., Dzilna-Šilova, Ilze. (2013). The Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC): Interdisciplinary bases of the ETC. International Journal of Art Therapy. 18 (2): 75–85. 

Lyshak-Stelzer, Francie., Singer, Pamela., St. John, Patricia. & Chemtob, Claude.M. (2007). Art therapy for adolescents with post traumatic stress disorder symptoms: A pilot study. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 24(4), 163-169. 

Magee, Wendy., Siegert Richard., Daveson Barbara., Lenton-Smith Gemma., & Taylor Steve. (2014). Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness (MATADOC): Standardisation of the principal subscale to assess awareness in patients with disorders of consciousness. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24(1), 101–24. 

Malchiodi, Cathy A. (2003). Expressive arts therapy and multimodal approaches. In C. A. Malchiodi (Ed.), Handbook of art therapy; handbook of art therapypp. 106-117, Chapter xvii. The Guilford Press, New York, NY.

Malchiodi, Cathy A. (Ed.) (2005). Expressive therapies. New York: Guilford Press. 

Malchiodi, Cathy A. (2012). A brief overview of art-based assessments. In Handbook of art therapy by Malchiodi (Ed.), p. 435-445, New York, US: Guilford Press. 

Malhotra, Bani. (2019). Art Therapy With Puppet Making to Promote Emotional Empathy for an Adolescent With Autism. Art Therapy, 36(4), 183-191.

Maujean, Annick., Pepping, Christoffer A. & Kendall, Elizabeth. (2014) A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Studies of Art Therapy, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 31:1, 37-44. 

McNiff, Shaun. (1998). Art-based research. London. Jessica Kingsley. 

Meyer DeMott, Melinda A., Jakobsen, Marianne., Wentzel‐Larsen, Tore., & Heir, Trond. (2017). A Controlled Early Group Intervention Study for Unaccompanied Minors: Can Expressive Arts Alleviate Symptoms of Trauma and Enhance Life Satisfaction?" Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 58(6), 510-18. 

Miller, Caroline. (Ed) (2014) Assessment and outcomes in the Arts therapies. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  

Monti, Daniel. A., Peterson, Caroline., Shakin Kunkel, Elisabeth. J., Hauck, Walter. W., Pequignot, Edward., Rhodes, Laura., & Brainard, George C. (2006). A randomized, controlled trial of mindfulness-based art therapy (MBAT) for women with breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 15, 363-373. 

Neale, Elizabeth Leigh., & Rosal, Marcia L. (1993). What can art therapists learn from the research on projective drawing techniques for children? A review of the literature. The Arts in Psychotherapy20, 37–49. 

Patterson, Sue & Borschmann, Rohan & Waller, Diane. (2013). Considering referral to art therapy: Responses to referral and experiences of participants in a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Art Therapy. 18. 2-9. 

Pénzes, Ingrid., Van Hooren, Susan., Dokter, Ditty., Smeijsters, Henk., & Hutschemaekers, Giel. (2014). Material interaction in art therapy assessment. The Arts in Psychotherapy41(5), 484-492. 

Pendzik, Susana. (2003). Six keys for assessment in drama therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 30(2), 91-99. 

Poikonen, Hanna. (2018). Dance on Cortex - ERPs and Phase Synchrony in Dancers and Musicians During a Contemporary Dance Piece. University of Helsinki, Finland. Dissertation. 

Pylvänäinen, Päivi. (2018) Dance Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Depression Change in Body Image and Mood - A Clinical Practice Based Study. University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Dissertation.

Pylvänäinen, Päivi., & Lappalainen, Raimo. (2018). Change in body image among depressed adult outpatients after a dance movement therapy group treatment. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 59, 34-45. 

Rankanen, Mimmu. (2011). The space between art experiences and reflective understanding in therapy. In C. Lapoujade, M. Ross, & S. Scoble (Eds.), Art therapies and the space between, pp.66-83. ECArTE. University of Plymouth Press.

Robbins, Arthur. (1994). A Multi-Modal Approach to Creative Art Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  

Ruddy, Rachel. &  Milnes, David. (2005). Art therapy for schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like illnesses. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD003728. Spermon, D., Gibney, P., & Darlington, Y. (2009). Complex Trauma, Dissociation, and the Use of Symbolism in Therapy. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 10 (4) 436-450.

SBU (2020) Musikbaserade terapeutiska insatser för personer med demenssjukdom. Statens Beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering. Kommenterarrapport 2020_02 Publicerad 200312. 

Schaverien, Joy., (2000). The triangular relationship and the aesthetic countertransference in analytic art psychotherapy. In A. Gilroy, and G. Mc Neilly, (eds). The Changing Shape of Art Therapy (pp. 55-84). London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher Ltd.

Schumacher, Karin., & Calvet-Kruppa, Claudine. (1999). The “AQR” – an Analysis System to Evaluate the Quality of Relationship during Music Therapy, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi, 8:2, 188-191.

Schwartz, Karen M. (2018). Making unformulated experience real through painting: Painting and psychoanalytic psychotherapy practice as two ways of making sense. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(2):239-248. 

Spermon, Deborah., Gibney, Paul., Darlington, Yvonne.(2009) Complex Trauma, Dissociation, and the Use of Symbolism in Therapy. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 10:4, 436-450. Svensk översättning kan laddas ner HÄR

Springham, Neil., & Huet, Val. (2020). Facing our shadows: understanding harm in the arts therapies. International Journal of Art Therapy, 25(1), 5-18. 

Springham, Neil. (2016). Description as social construction in UK art therapy research. International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape, 21(3), pp. 104-115. 

Springham, Neil. (2008). Through the eyes of the law: What is it about art that can harm people? International Journal of Art Therapy, 13(2), 65-73. 

Stayne, Sara., Landegren Wesström, Charlotte & Pankenier, Sophia Augusta. (2022). Bildterapi på neurovetenskaplig grund - Evidensbaserad praktik inom hälso- och sjukvård. Region Stockholm. Ladda ner.

Strassel, Juliane., Cherkin, Daniel., Steuten, Lotte., Sherman, Karen., & Vrijhoef, Hubertus (2011). A Systematic Review of the Evidence for the Effectiveness of Dance Therapy. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 17(3), 50-9. 

Svensk, Ann-Christine., Öster, Inger., Thyme, Karin Egberg., Magnusson, Eva., Sjödin, M., Eisemann, Martin., Åström, Sture & Lindh, Jack. (2009). Art therapy improves experienced quality of life among women undergoing treatment for breast cancer: A randomized controlled study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 18(1), 69–77. 

Theorell, Töres. (2017). Kulturens hälsa för patientens hälsa. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 94(2): 167-176. 

Theorell, Töres. (Ed.) (1998). När orden inte räcker. Läkning av psykosomatisk sjukdom genom terapeutiskt arbete med musik, dans, bild och psykodrama. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. 

Theorell, Töres, Konarski Kristoffer, Westerlund, Hugo, Burell, Ann-Margret, Engström, R, Lagercrantz, A-M, Teszary Judith, Thulin, Karin. (1998). Treatment of patients with chronic somatic symptoms by means of art psychotherapy - a process description. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1998a. 67:50-56. 

Thyme, Karin. Egberg., Sundin, Eva C., Wiberg, Britt., Öster, Inger., Åström, Sture., & Lindh, Jack. (2009). Individual brief art therapy can be helpful for women with breast cancer: A randomized controlled clinical study. Palliative and Supportive Care,7(1), 87–95. 

Thyme, Karin Egberg., Sundin, Eva C., Ståhlberg, Gustaf., Lindström, Birgit., Eklöf, Hanna., & Wiberg, Britt. (2007). The outcome of short-term psychodynamic art therapy compared to short-term psychodynamic verbal therapy for depressed women. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy21(3), 250-264. 

Uggla, Lena., Bonde, Lars Ole., Svahn, Britt-Marie., Remberger, Mats., Wrangsjö, Björn., Gustafsson, Britt. (2016). Music therapy can lower the heart rates of severely sick children. Acta Paediatrics105(10), 1225-30. 

Wärja, Margareta., & Bonde, Lars Ole. (2014). Music as co-therapist: Towards a taxonomy of music in therapeutic music and imagery work. Music and Medicine, 6(2), 16-27. 

Öster, Inger., Svensk, Ann-Christine., Magnusson, Eva., Thyme, Karin Egberg., Sjödin, Marie., Martin Eisenmann., Åström, Sture., Lindh, Jack P. (2006). Art therapy improves coping resources: A randomized, controlled study among women with breast cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care,4(1), 57–64. 





Artiklar skrivna i Sverige eller av svenskar inom konstterapi. 

Bergström Isacsson, Märith. (2011). Music and Vibroacoustic Stimulation in People with Rett Syndrome – A Neurophysiological Study. Aalborg University, Denmark.

Blomdahl, Christina. (2017). Painting from Within - Developing and Evaluating a Manual-based Art therapy for Patients with Depression. Diss.,Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy.

Duberg Anna. (2016). Dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems. Effects and experiences. Diss. Örebro Universitet. 

Holmqvist, Gärd. (2018). Bildterapi – en väg till inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa. Diss. Halmstad: Halmstad University Press. (SWE)

Körlin, Dag. (2005).Creative arts therapies in psychiatry: A clinical application of the Bonny method of guided imagery and music and creative arts groups. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.

Lindblad, Katarina. (2021) Som plåster på själen: Om äldre män och musik som
 Örebro University.

Paulander, Ann-Sofie. (2011). Meningen med att gå i musikterapi. En fenomenologisk studie om deltagares upplevelser. KMH-förlaget, Stockholm.

Rudstam, Gabriella. (2023) - Trauma-focused Group Music and Imagery with Women Suffering from PTSD or CPTSD - A Randomized Controlled Study. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 6(1):100277.

Sandell, Anci, (2013). Musik för kropp och själ – Modell för interaktiv musikterapi. Nordic School of Public Health NHV.

Thyme, Karin Egberg. (2008). What do you see? Studies on time-limited psychodynamic art psychotherapy. Umeå University.

Ullsten, Alexandra. (2019). Singing, sharing, soothing. Family-centered music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care. Örebro Universitet.

Uggla, Lena. (2019). Music Therapy - an intervention effecting quality of life and health in children going through hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Karolinska Institutet (KI).

Wärja, Margareta, (2018). Arts-based Psychotherapy for women Recovering from Gynecological Cancer: A randomized trial evaluating the effects on psychological outcomes, doktorsavhandling Aalborgs universitet, Danmark. 

Öster, Inger. (2007) Bildterapi vid bröstcancer: kvinnors berättelse i ord och bild. Diss. Umeå Universitet, Institutionen för omvårdnad. (SWE)